Interface Summary | |
RecordProcessor | A custom Java business logic piece that can be implemented by the user and passed to a TableInput . |
Class Summary | |
CounterInterface | A wrapper around a common functionality used in Hadoop: using Counters. |
DeployerCMD | This tool can be used to deploy tablespaces once they are generated. |
Driver | Hadoop's Driver - add here any Hadoop programs that could be run by default with the Splout JAR. |
GeneratorCMD | A general purpose tool for building and deploying any combination of Tablespaces to Splout. |
IdentityRecordProcessor | This is the default RecordProcessor that just bypasses the Tuples comming in from the input files. |
JavascriptEngine | An engine for embedding JavaScript into Java using Rhino, etc. |
JSONTablespaceDefinition | A JSON-friendly bean that can map to a TablespaceSpec easily. |
JSONTablespaceDefinition.JSONTableDefinition | |
JSONTablespaceDefinition.JSONTableInputDefinition | |
JSONTablespaceDefinition.TextInputSpecs | |
NullableSchema | |
SchemaSampler | Small piece of code that can sample a Pangool Schema from an arbitrary InputFormat |
SimpleGeneratorCMD | This tool can be used for creating and deploying a single-table tablespace from text files. |
SimpleGeneratorCMD.CharConverter | |
SQLiteOutputFormat | Low-level Pangool OutputFormat that can be used to generate partitioned SQL views in Hadoop. |
StoreDeployerTool | A generic class for deploying an already generated store by TablespaceGenerator . |
SumReducer | Reusable TupleReducer that aggregates the counts of a certain field in the Tuple. |
Table | Immutable definition of a Splout Table whose view has to be generated. |
TableBuilder | This builder can be used to obtain Table beans. |
TableInput | A file (represented by a Hadoop Path) associated with an Pangool's InputFormat. |
TablespaceBuilder | This class is the main entry point for generating Splout views. |
TablespaceDepSpec | Convenience bean used in tools such as DeployerCMD |
TablespaceGenerator | A process that generates the SQL data stores needed for deploying a tablespace in Splout, giving a file set table specification as input. |
TablespaceSpec | Immutable bean that defines a Tablespace whose view has to be generated. |
TableSpec | Simple immutable bean that specifies the Pangool Schema of a Splout Table and the Fields that need to be indexed and how it is partitioned. |
TableSpec.FieldIndex | A database index made up by one or more Pangool Fields. |
TupleSampler | This class samples a list of TableInput files that produce a certain Table Schema. |
TupleSampler.DefaultSamplingOptions | |
TupleSampler.SamplingOptions | |
TupleSQLite4JavaOutputFormat | An OutputFormat that accepts Pangool's Tuples and writes to a sqlite4Java SQLite file. |
Enum Summary | |
InputType | |
TupleSampler.SamplingType |
Exception Summary | |
TableBuilder.TableBuilderException | Exception that is thrown if a Table cannot be built because there is missing data or inconsistent data has been specified. |
TablespaceBuilder.TablespaceBuilderException | Exception that is thrown if a Tablespace cannot be built because there is missing data or inconsistent data has been specified. |
TablespaceGenerator.TablespaceGeneratorException | |
TupleSampler.TupleSamplerException | |
TupleSQLite4JavaOutputFormat.TupleSQLiteOutputFormatException | Exception that is thrown if the Output Format cannot be instantiated because the specified parameters are inconsistent or invalid. |
This package contains all the classes that implement business logic for helping building Splout datastores using Hadoop with Pangool (http://pangool.net).
Here we have the low-level OutputFormat SQLiteOutputFormat
that can be used to build
any partitioned SQL from any Hadoop Job. Then we have the TupleSQLite4JavaOutputFormat
is built on top of the previous and that is more efficient and easy to use when used in conjunction
with Pangool.
Finally we have a full Hadoop process that builds a partitioned store from a Pangool Tuple file set, TablespaceGenerator
We need to use TableBuilder
and TablespaceBuilder
for providing the needed information to it.