Package com.splout.db.examples

Class Summary
MeteoBenchmark A benchmark designed ot stress-test Splout with the meteorogical dataset you can find on examples/meteo.
MeteoBenchmark.MeteoStressThreadImpl Stress thread implementation following convention from SploutBenchmark.
PageCountsBenchmark A benchmark designed ot stress-test Splout with the Wikipedia Page Counts dataset.
PageCountsBenchmark.PageCountsStressThreadImpl Stress thread implementation following convention from SploutBenchmark.
PageCountsDataGenerator A synthetic data generator for the Page Counts Example.
PageCountsExample An advanced Splout example with the Wikipedia pagecounts dataset:
PageCountsRecordProcessor Custom record processor that filters out some records and URL-Decodes a field.
PageCountsServlet Servlet that proxies AJAX request to an arbitrary QNode for implementing the frontend of the Wikipedia pagecounts example.
PageCountsTrendingServlet Servlet that caches and returns the trending wikipedia articles from:
PageCountsWebapp Front-end for the Wikipedia pagecounts example.

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