Package com.splout.db.benchmark

This package contains all the classes related to benchmarking Splout.


Class Summary
BenchmarkStoreTool Distributed map-only job that creates an arbitrarily big database for being used by BenchmarkTool.
BenchmarkTool This tool can be used for benchmarking a Splout server.
BenchmarkTool.BenchmarkToolStressThreadImpl Performs queries like "SELECT * FROM splout_benchmark WHERE key = X;"
IdentityJob This Job implements a identity Map/Reduce in two ways: one using the plain Hadoop API and the other one using the Pangool API for parsing CSV files.
SploutBenchmark Generic benchmark implementation for Splout.
SploutBenchmark.StressThreadImpl Subclasses of this class can be used for performing arbitrary benchmarks.

Package com.splout.db.benchmark Description

This package contains all the classes related to benchmarking Splout. Benchmarking is a very important part of this project since Splout is expected to be high-performing.

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