Package com.splout.db.qnode.beans

Java beans used by / in interaction with the QNode service.


Class Summary
DeployInfo If a deployment is in progress, this bean is serialized as JSON in a file in ZooKeeper so that any QNode can know that there is a deploy in progress and at what time it started, etc.
DeployRequest Bean that is serialized as JSON and sent to the QNodes for requesting a deploy.
ErrorQueryStatus A QueryStatus that failed.
QNodeStatus All the information available to the QNode including the alive DNodes, the partition map info, etc.
QueryStatus JSON bean that is returned by the QNode as response to a query.
StatusMessage Just a status message and nothing more, returned by rollback() method.
SwitchVersionRequest Like DeployRequest, but used to request a rollback instead of a deploy.

Package com.splout.db.qnode.beans Description

Java beans used by / in interaction with the QNode service.

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