Class PositiveHistogram

  extended by com.splout.db.benchmark.PositiveHistogram
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PositiveHistogram
extends java.lang.Object

A class for computing approximated histograms, keeping a constant resolution, constant amount of memory, and without the needed of pre or post processing. WARNING: It only works for positive values. And if they are distributed far from 0, then will not work properly as well.

Field Summary
protected  int[] buckets
protected  long count
protected  double upperLimit
Constructor Summary
PositiveHistogram(int bits, double initialUpperLimit)
          2^bits will be number of buckets.
Method Summary
 void add(double value)
          Add a new value to the histogram
 int bucketFor(java.lang.Double value)
          Return the bucket index for a given value.
 int[] getBuckets()
          Return the list of buckets.
 double getBucketSize()
 long getCount()
          Returns the number of elements that was added to the histogram.
 double getLeftAccumulatedProbability(double value)
          Computes the accumulated probability for the values at the left of the provided value
 double[] getNormalizedHistogram()
 double getRigthAccumulatedProbability(double value)
          Computes the accumulated probability for the values at the right of the provided value
 double getUpperLimit()
          Returns the maximum value that can be keep if the current histogram without needing to redistribute the buckets.
protected  void resize(double value)
 java.lang.String toTSV()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected int[] buckets


protected double upperLimit


protected long count
Constructor Detail


public PositiveHistogram(int bits,
                         double initialUpperLimit)
2^bits will be number of buckets. If known, it is useful to provide an initialUpperLimit. If it is not known, just set it as 0

Method Detail


public void add(double value)
Add a new value to the histogram


protected void resize(double value)


public int bucketFor(java.lang.Double value)
Return the bucket index for a given value.


public double getUpperLimit()
Returns the maximum value that can be keep if the current histogram without needing to redistribute the buckets.


public int[] getBuckets()
Return the list of buckets. They represent the values between 0 and getUpperLimit()


public long getCount()
Returns the number of elements that was added to the histogram.


public double getRigthAccumulatedProbability(double value)
Computes the accumulated probability for the values at the right of the provided value


public double getLeftAccumulatedProbability(double value)
Computes the accumulated probability for the values at the left of the provided value


public double[] getNormalizedHistogram()


public double getBucketSize()


public java.lang.String toTSV()

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