You can use your own custom RawComparator for comparing a field in a Tuple. This can be specified in the sort by configuration, for example:
cg.setOrderBy(new SortBy().add("word", Order.DESC, new MyUtf8Comparator()));
private static class MyUtf8Comparator implements RawComparator<Text>, Serializable { public int compare(Text arg0, Text arg1) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public int compare(byte[] buf1, int off1, int len1, byte[] buf2, int off2, int len2) { if(len1 > len2) { return 1; } else if(len1 < len2) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } }
In case that you need to deserialize your object in order to compare it, you can subclass
and then just compare objects.
For instance, let's define a Thrift object whose definition is :
struct MyThriftObject { 1: string userName, 2: int age }
Then your custom comparator could look like this:
public class MyThriftComparator extends BaseComparator<MyThriftObject> { public MyThriftComparator(){ super(Type.OBJECT,MyThriftObject.class); } public int compare(MyThriftObject a, MyThriftObject b){ return a.getUserName().compareTo(b.getUserName()); } }